Yo Mamma!
Are you a big beautiful black Queen Diva?
Are you a Bootylicious thicksista with more goin' on in that trunk than two dogs under a blanket?
Well ladies, The Queen has it all for you!
We are big lovely women and we dine and wine the high life, but sometimes we maybe troubled by that occasional embarrassment of a
Are you a big beautiful black Queen Diva?
Are you a Bootylicious thicksista with more goin' on in that trunk than two dogs under a blanket?
Well ladies, The Queen has it all for you!
We are big lovely women and we dine and wine the high life, but sometimes we maybe troubled by that occasional embarrassment of a
crossed legged crosswind!
Now ladies, what if I told you about a freshening mint for your backside?
Say what?
You know it Sistah!
I am talking
Queen Latifah’s Butt-Queefahs
Now ladies, what if I told you about a freshening mint for your backside?
Say what?
You know it Sistah!
I am talking
Queen Latifah’s Butt-Queefahs
Just pop one of my freshening mints with one tall glass of water each day
every jet you make will be a bloom of a heavenly state!
Yo cell phone will be ringin’ outtah yo purse from every man who knows
The fine scent of a big black beautiful woman!
Each of my freshening mints comes in a variety of scents that squeak of femininity
African Violet
Magnolia Magnum
Cleo’s Cleome
Egyptian Sandalwood
Jamaican Splendora
Blow a kiss in confi-fi-fi-dence Sistah. Give the most intimate of yo inna sef!
Queen Latifah’s Butt-Queefahs
For a scent that is all your own!