Go unto them, Be not afraid Take thy Dragon and thy Staff and Comfort Them

Go unto them, Be not afraid Take thy Dragon and thy Staff and Comfort Them

About Me

My photo
Atlanta-Ponce Highlands, Georgia, United States
Herr Ritalin-Adderall is a European-American male born in the year 1964. He makes his home in the SOL system on Terra (earth). He lives in the Northern Hemisphere, S.E. sector of North America. Latitude: Longitude: He is a Nurse by profession and a Writer by pleasure. My plan is to catalog my thoughts, rants, silliness, and apply scientific data. I want to know why we are the way we are and how we can evolve. love writing... It's almost a decent indecency. Writing is a self indulged intellectual masturbation, seeding itself upon the consensual unconscious mind.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Christmas is over. WHEW! and not a minute too soon.This was one of the very few times when this Nurse thought of killing.

As disturbing as this is to learn, I have relatives.

Yes, I know, I was equally surprised to hear of this fact. One unit, which shares a fraction of my DNA, is an 8 to 10 year old humanoid female. It has a name but I prefer not to include, as it is irrelevant.

It is approximately five feet and six inches in height and carries a mass at around 200 pounds. When loose, it rolls around the ship's decking like a 200-pound cannon ball in the wake of a tempest!!

As it moves, it grabs objects, breaking, and crashing all while delivering a third person dialog describing how these objects would suit it's needs at it's place of origin.Then, as most objects do, it found itself gravitated to the center of the ship... The Ships Galley.

Once there it immediately pried open the central refrigeration unit. It then began to bark at the consumable items it wished to absorb first- or preferably, without restraint, all items in a simultaneous tandem of pure unadulterated gluttony.
When the intended food items were assembled, it became all too apparent that my efforts were wasted on a too high of an expectation.

The main course: A Beef Wellington; I hand selected an entire beef tenderloin that was perfectly aged and cut. I meticulously removed excess fat and the entire surrounding fascia. Marinated in a wonderful Californian merlot. I seared and grilled the meat to a perfect crust and then surrounded the whole loin in a puff pastry and then baked it to a savory golden brown. Then I drizzled it with sautéed mushrooms with a splash of port.

The insatiable lummox grabbed the cut with its fat, unwashed hand, nabbing it right off of the antique bone china, pitched it into its maul with only the faint sinking sound of the puff crisping off the lip, and chewed twice before swallowing it in one huge gulp!
The Broiled Rosemary New Potatoes, which I hand, selected for equal size and quality, sliced into single bite sized fork servings and seasoned with sea salt, fresh cracked black pepper, garnished with tender rosemary from my herb garden and olive oil-
GRABBED and SHOVELED into this porcine pot monkey’s orifice without even a taste.
The newly sprouted asparagus which I steamed to a emerald green and lightly drizzled with a perfect composition of butter, egg yoke, and lemon;a Hollandaise sauce that made a sensuous ribbon of gold across the vegetable,was - slashed, engulfed, and devoured... followed by:


Then, without any warning,
the paunch pulled itself from it’s feeding area to take up offense at the Captain’s own chair!

"WHAREZ MUAY CAKE!!!!?" - it shrieked into the galley.


The Double Chocolate Cheese Cake, which I made from scratch using the finest of ingredients, baked to perfection, topped with a sinful Chocolate Grenache, fresh sugared strawberries, macadamia nuts, and then sprinkled with white chocolate, was - raped and chomped with open mouth smacking accompanied by this strange guttural, groaning, a near purring noise that sounded like the noise a great cat would make while licking out the raw brain of some hapless baboon..

it screamed from the table.... causing my already petrified guests to quake.

Next year... there will NOT be a Christmas Feast, instead, a false location will be published while my true family will enjoy each other’s company in a secret lair ofsome undisclosed area.

I have never before seen such behavior. It was a shock!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Yo Mamma!
Are you a big beautiful black Queen Diva?
Are you a Bootylicious thicksista with more goin' on in that trunk than two dogs under a blanket?
Well ladies, The Queen has it all for you!
We are big lovely women and we dine and wine the high life, but sometimes we maybe troubled by that occasional embarrassment of a
crossed legged crosswind!
Now ladies, what if I told you about a freshening mint for your backside?
Say what?
You know it Sistah!
I am talking
Queen Latifah’s Butt-Queefahs

Just pop one of my freshening mints with one tall glass of water each day
every jet you make will be a bloom of a heavenly state!
Yo cell phone will be ringin’ outtah yo purse from every man who knows
The fine scent of a big black beautiful woman!
Each of my freshening mints comes in a variety of scents that squeak of femininity

African Violet

Magnolia Magnum

Cleo’s Cleome

Egyptian Sandalwood

Jamaican Splendora

Blow a kiss in confi-fi-fi-dence Sistah. Give the most intimate of yo inna sef!
Queen Latifah’s Butt-Queefahs

For a scent that is all your own!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Just In Time for Christmas!!!

Are you a Christian?
Are you over-worked, over-scheduled and find you have no time for anything?
Has your diet become poor and the only thing increasing is your
level of stress,
financial debt
and that
bulging waistline?
You are a good Christian, you MUST find that non-existent worship time EVERY Friday, Sunday along with those
impossible, nagging WEDNESDAYS!!!

It may be ONLY three servings of the Lord and Savior, but any which way you tack it, poke it, or pack it away!

That is why we have created
(in our own image)

Jesus-lite has half the calories and fat as regular Jesus but still has that Divine, creamy taste you have come to expect from the Son of God
Jesus-Lite is just as fulfilling!!
So when you are at your desk, stuck in traffic, or needing that immediate condemnation, crack open a Jesus-lite and receive the New Testament
in an airy, refreshing, revival of taste!
Let's face it
Even God himself took a nap on the Sabbath,
what took Days before must now be done in Minutes.
Don't waste time, Don't Delay
Try Jesus-Lite in these other Heavenly flavors:
**Latin Salsa**
***Zesty Italian***
****Creamy Ranch****
Times are tough, but we are a little tougher!!
Jesus-lite is another time saving product from:
Conscience Clenz Industries
Holy Water Spritz
Automatic Prayer Emailer

Wednesday, December 5, 2007



Have you seen what your child is watching these days?

Thanks to powers beyond control of mortal men. Satan himself has spawned this black guy who appears as if he has escaped from that late eighties group "Deee-Lite" instructs our children to snoop around and find Mom and Dads sex toys and make up games with them!

Here we have the familiar DILDO w/pleasure bumps!!!

The ever popular Butt-Plug Deee-Lite!This Clitoral Vibrator!

The Vibrating EGG!

AAAAND the dreaded, yet washable Jack-Off Spank Monkey Sock!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Finally, A product we need!

Compound C
The cunt stops here™...Compound C® Freeze Off® is clinically proven effective to remove cunts fast with as little as 1 treatment.

let's be honest...

Cunts are unsightly skin growths that may cause you or your child personal embarrassment. To get rid of cunts, there's a Compound C® product that's right for you:

Adults, the Elderly and Children over 6 : Gently rub the affected area near the surface of the cunt with a pumice stone or emery board. Apply Compound C one drop at a time until the cunt is covered. Allow to dry and cover with a waterproof plaster. Repeat daily with regular washing for up to twelve weeks. If the cunt does not dissolve or gets worse, speak to your supervisor.
Whether it´s a cunt in your child´s classroon or a plantar cunt on the bottom your foot, there is a specially-designed Compound C product that can help. Compound C® has been the trusted name in cunt removal for almost 50 years with innovative products for adults and children.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Tara Reid in Taradise

I LOVE Tara Reid in Terrordise. My favorite quote from her was a brief commentary on a Grecian Circuit Party.

"It was great! all Glo-sticks and Whistles!!"

Yes Tara darling.. I do believe you summed it up appropriately.