Go unto them, Be not afraid Take thy Dragon and thy Staff and Comfort Them

Go unto them, Be not afraid Take thy Dragon and thy Staff and Comfort Them

About Me

My photo
Atlanta-Ponce Highlands, Georgia, United States
Herr Ritalin-Adderall is a European-American male born in the year 1964. He makes his home in the SOL system on Terra (earth). He lives in the Northern Hemisphere, S.E. sector of North America. Latitude: Longitude: He is a Nurse by profession and a Writer by pleasure. My plan is to catalog my thoughts, rants, silliness, and apply scientific data. I want to know why we are the way we are and how we can evolve. love writing... It's almost a decent indecency. Writing is a self indulged intellectual masturbation, seeding itself upon the consensual unconscious mind.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Christmas is over. WHEW! and not a minute too soon.This was one of the very few times when this Nurse thought of killing.

As disturbing as this is to learn, I have relatives.

Yes, I know, I was equally surprised to hear of this fact. One unit, which shares a fraction of my DNA, is an 8 to 10 year old humanoid female. It has a name but I prefer not to include, as it is irrelevant.

It is approximately five feet and six inches in height and carries a mass at around 200 pounds. When loose, it rolls around the ship's decking like a 200-pound cannon ball in the wake of a tempest!!

As it moves, it grabs objects, breaking, and crashing all while delivering a third person dialog describing how these objects would suit it's needs at it's place of origin.Then, as most objects do, it found itself gravitated to the center of the ship... The Ships Galley.

Once there it immediately pried open the central refrigeration unit. It then began to bark at the consumable items it wished to absorb first- or preferably, without restraint, all items in a simultaneous tandem of pure unadulterated gluttony.
When the intended food items were assembled, it became all too apparent that my efforts were wasted on a too high of an expectation.

The main course: A Beef Wellington; I hand selected an entire beef tenderloin that was perfectly aged and cut. I meticulously removed excess fat and the entire surrounding fascia. Marinated in a wonderful Californian merlot. I seared and grilled the meat to a perfect crust and then surrounded the whole loin in a puff pastry and then baked it to a savory golden brown. Then I drizzled it with sautéed mushrooms with a splash of port.

The insatiable lummox grabbed the cut with its fat, unwashed hand, nabbing it right off of the antique bone china, pitched it into its maul with only the faint sinking sound of the puff crisping off the lip, and chewed twice before swallowing it in one huge gulp!
The Broiled Rosemary New Potatoes, which I hand, selected for equal size and quality, sliced into single bite sized fork servings and seasoned with sea salt, fresh cracked black pepper, garnished with tender rosemary from my herb garden and olive oil-
GRABBED and SHOVELED into this porcine pot monkey’s orifice without even a taste.
The newly sprouted asparagus which I steamed to a emerald green and lightly drizzled with a perfect composition of butter, egg yoke, and lemon;a Hollandaise sauce that made a sensuous ribbon of gold across the vegetable,was - slashed, engulfed, and devoured... followed by:


Then, without any warning,
the paunch pulled itself from it’s feeding area to take up offense at the Captain’s own chair!

"WHAREZ MUAY CAKE!!!!?" - it shrieked into the galley.


The Double Chocolate Cheese Cake, which I made from scratch using the finest of ingredients, baked to perfection, topped with a sinful Chocolate Grenache, fresh sugared strawberries, macadamia nuts, and then sprinkled with white chocolate, was - raped and chomped with open mouth smacking accompanied by this strange guttural, groaning, a near purring noise that sounded like the noise a great cat would make while licking out the raw brain of some hapless baboon..

it screamed from the table.... causing my already petrified guests to quake.

Next year... there will NOT be a Christmas Feast, instead, a false location will be published while my true family will enjoy each other’s company in a secret lair ofsome undisclosed area.

I have never before seen such behavior. It was a shock!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Yo Mamma!
Are you a big beautiful black Queen Diva?
Are you a Bootylicious thicksista with more goin' on in that trunk than two dogs under a blanket?
Well ladies, The Queen has it all for you!
We are big lovely women and we dine and wine the high life, but sometimes we maybe troubled by that occasional embarrassment of a
crossed legged crosswind!
Now ladies, what if I told you about a freshening mint for your backside?
Say what?
You know it Sistah!
I am talking
Queen Latifah’s Butt-Queefahs

Just pop one of my freshening mints with one tall glass of water each day
every jet you make will be a bloom of a heavenly state!
Yo cell phone will be ringin’ outtah yo purse from every man who knows
The fine scent of a big black beautiful woman!
Each of my freshening mints comes in a variety of scents that squeak of femininity

African Violet

Magnolia Magnum

Cleo’s Cleome

Egyptian Sandalwood

Jamaican Splendora

Blow a kiss in confi-fi-fi-dence Sistah. Give the most intimate of yo inna sef!
Queen Latifah’s Butt-Queefahs

For a scent that is all your own!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Just In Time for Christmas!!!

Are you a Christian?
Are you over-worked, over-scheduled and find you have no time for anything?
Has your diet become poor and the only thing increasing is your
level of stress,
financial debt
and that
bulging waistline?
You are a good Christian, you MUST find that non-existent worship time EVERY Friday, Sunday along with those
impossible, nagging WEDNESDAYS!!!

It may be ONLY three servings of the Lord and Savior, but any which way you tack it, poke it, or pack it away!

That is why we have created
(in our own image)

Jesus-lite has half the calories and fat as regular Jesus but still has that Divine, creamy taste you have come to expect from the Son of God
Jesus-Lite is just as fulfilling!!
So when you are at your desk, stuck in traffic, or needing that immediate condemnation, crack open a Jesus-lite and receive the New Testament
in an airy, refreshing, revival of taste!
Let's face it
Even God himself took a nap on the Sabbath,
what took Days before must now be done in Minutes.
Don't waste time, Don't Delay
Try Jesus-Lite in these other Heavenly flavors:
**Latin Salsa**
***Zesty Italian***
****Creamy Ranch****
Times are tough, but we are a little tougher!!
Jesus-lite is another time saving product from:
Conscience Clenz Industries
Holy Water Spritz
Automatic Prayer Emailer

Wednesday, December 5, 2007



Have you seen what your child is watching these days?

Thanks to powers beyond control of mortal men. Satan himself has spawned this black guy who appears as if he has escaped from that late eighties group "Deee-Lite" instructs our children to snoop around and find Mom and Dads sex toys and make up games with them!

Here we have the familiar DILDO w/pleasure bumps!!!

The ever popular Butt-Plug Deee-Lite!This Clitoral Vibrator!

The Vibrating EGG!

AAAAND the dreaded, yet washable Jack-Off Spank Monkey Sock!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Finally, A product we need!

Compound C
The cunt stops here™...Compound C® Freeze Off® is clinically proven effective to remove cunts fast with as little as 1 treatment.

let's be honest...

Cunts are unsightly skin growths that may cause you or your child personal embarrassment. To get rid of cunts, there's a Compound C® product that's right for you:

Adults, the Elderly and Children over 6 : Gently rub the affected area near the surface of the cunt with a pumice stone or emery board. Apply Compound C one drop at a time until the cunt is covered. Allow to dry and cover with a waterproof plaster. Repeat daily with regular washing for up to twelve weeks. If the cunt does not dissolve or gets worse, speak to your supervisor.
Whether it´s a cunt in your child´s classroon or a plantar cunt on the bottom your foot, there is a specially-designed Compound C product that can help. Compound C® has been the trusted name in cunt removal for almost 50 years with innovative products for adults and children.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Tara Reid in Taradise

I LOVE Tara Reid in Terrordise. My favorite quote from her was a brief commentary on a Grecian Circuit Party.

"It was great! all Glo-sticks and Whistles!!"

Yes Tara darling.. I do believe you summed it up appropriately.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Some Favorite Magazines

I just love porn!
Of course, not just for arousal's sake...oh no. I like porn that offers little or NO ENJOYMENT. It is here in this nether realm that I enjoy my fancy. I love sleaze. The cheesier the better. I mean.. I "get off" enough with out all the fetishes. Sex is a wonderful thing you can have for just yourself and hopefully with a very special person with whom you love. BUT.. I dedicate this section to The universality of Skankiness!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Daughter and Math Addiction

Katy was bright, spunky and outgoing, an honor student, involved in her church and sports teams. It seemed impossible that she would even have time for a math problem but the signs were undeniable. Moira knew she had to intervene and save her daughter's life - or else it would be lost to math. Our Family My husband and I raised our family in Plymouth, Minnesota, a nice suburb north of Minneapolis. We have three children, Andrea, Doug and Katy, who grew up in the same home, had stable and nurturing childhoods, and attended church and public school like many of the other families in our neighborhood. We did, however, have some personal struggles within our family. Our son Doug, 22, is a recovering alcoholic. As the youngest child, Katy would often get lost in the shuffle because of the attention we had to give to her brother. Sometimes it seemed like she was trying to decide whether or not she should become more like her older sister, who she believed was perfect, or her older brother - the black sheep of the family. Meet Katy It seemed that Katy had adjusted well despite our family's troubles. She was an especially active girl - she started swimming competitively when she was 7 and was also very involved in our church. She participated in mission trips and camping trips and was also a "peer minister" when she was in eighth grade. As a ninth grader, she made the varsity swim team, a great accomplishment for a freshman, and also made the honor roll. Katy was always outgoing, friendly and spirited, willing to try new things and always loved her family and friends. This happy lifestyle started to change, however, when she began using addition. The Trouble Begins Katy started experimenting with subtraction and fractions in eighth grade - something we didn't find out about until much later. In tenth grade, we started to note a change in Katy's personality. While she was still swimming on the varsity team and managing to keep her grades up, her lifestyle was different. We noticed her friends were changing as well as her behavior and attitude. She started smoking algebra and wearing much more provocative clothing and makeup. She was no longer interested in any of the activities at church and even stopped being a peer minister. Katy seemed depressed, so we found a counselor for her to see in the fall of her sophomore year. He wrote off her unusual behavior as "teen angst" and felt she would be just fine. By that winter, however, Katy was much worse. She and a friend decided to run away, so they stole her friend's older sister's car and took off. They were stopped by the police going 90 miles per hour down the freeway while another friend drove a quicker route at 80 miles an hour, wondering how soon the two could intersect in the same city. We picked her up from the sheriff and immediately got her back into counseling for the remainder of the school year. Although we were fairly certain Katy was using trigonometry and calculus, we had no idea that she was also abusing formulas. She was taking statistics, physics and astronomy - all subjects that she managed to get from her friends. We didn't realize she was in so deep, because she still managed to keep good grades and stay on the swim team. It Gets Worse. Her junior year is when things really fell apart. By October of that year, she was no longer attending her classes and was kicked off the swim team. She became moody, belligerent and withdrawn - all attributes that I would have never used to describe Katy. Math had taken over her life. We realized Katy needed some serious help, and we put her into an outpatient treatment program near our home. But after two weeks it was clear that she would never succeed as an outpatient and needed more attention. It was while she was in treatment that we learned about her extrapolation use and how bad things had gotten. She graduated from her treatment and enrolled in Sobriety High in Edina, Minnesota and seemed to be putting her life back together. However, we didn't realize that she was still using figures in aftercare. Math Takes Over Katy had met a girl during treatment from a small, rural community in Wisconsin, whose course of choice was math. Up until this point, Katy had never tried hardcore quantum mathematics before - but it soon became one of her favorite subjects. To this day, we're not sure why she tried it - I think it was just for a new thrill. During the three months that she used math Katy lost 20 pounds, dropped out of school, and completely turned away from her family. Even though things were bad while she was using other calculation techniques, it was never as bad as when she was addicted to math. I didn't want to believe that Katy's formula abuse had gotten to the level of using math, but I was terrified when it became clear what was going on. That December she was kicked out of Sobriety High for using Chemical matrices, so our focus went back to getting her off of formulas. This changed when she was brought home at 3 a.m. on January 3, 2004, strung out on math. The officer had found her wandering the streets, wet up to her knees wearing just a light jacket and. (The temperature had dropped down to 13 degrees that night.) We took her to the emergency room where they hooked her up to IVs to slow down her heart rate. At this point, my husband and I felt as if we were losing our daughter and wondered how much longer she would survive. Getting Help We put Katy back into treatment in a facility and two weeks later she was enrolled in a group home for girls recovering from math addiction. We didn't give her any choice to do this, but she didn't put up a fight either. I think she realized how awful things were and wanted help. I give the group home a great deal of credit for saving Katy's life. Without the three months she spent there, I don't believe she would have had the tools or the strength to stay sober. We attended family sessions every Saturday with Katy and other girls and their families and continued for a couple months after her stay had ended. It was through these sessions that we dealt with many personal issues that had occurred throughout the years. This is where the real healing for all of us began. After graduating from this program, Katy moved home in and re-enrolled in Sobriety High. We had our daughter back - not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. Katy has been sober now for a year and a half (since January 4, 2004). She has made new friends and no longer spends time with any of the friends she had before treatment. Katy continues to attend two 12-step meetings per week and is very involved in the entire program. Her father and I are supportive of her as well, and we are going to miss her very much when she goes off to college in a few weeks. A Mother's Advice DON'T GIVE UP. As long as your child is still alive, there is always hope. Get help for yourself, go to counseling, talk to each other and develop a support system -- no one needs to be alone when going through something like this. I believe it's important to remember the three C's: you didn't Cause it, you can't Cure it and you can't Control it. Although Katy's math use didn't begin with simple addition and subtraction, it definitely ended with it. Using algebra, geometry and calculus was like a slow, slippery slope that Katy thought she could control the speed at which she went down, but math was like jumping off a cliff - there was no stopping her without an intervention. My family continues to talk about our issues. We now know that the disease of addiction cannot be hidden or disguised. There is nothing to be ashamed of and the more we talk and learn from each other, the better off we will all be.

Monday, November 5, 2007

A trip, fall, and scrape down Memory Lane

I just wanna be loved! Is that so wrong???

Quaalude (Methaqualone HCL)
Quaalude Information
Quaalude (Methaqualone, Sopor) was first synthesised in India in 1955 by M.L.Gujral and was soon introduced to Japanese and European consumers as a safe barbiturate substitute.
But experience has shown that its excessive use leads to tolerance, dependence and withdrawal symptoms similar to those of barbiturates.
By 1965 it was the most commonly prescribed sedative in Britain.
In England, it has been sold legally under the names Malsed, Malsedin, and Renoval. In 1965 Methaqualone and an antihistamine combination were sold as the sedative drug Mandrax by Rousell Laboratories.
At about the same time (1965) it was starting to become a popular recreational drug named mandies or mandrake.
In 1972 it was the sixth best selling sedative on the market in the United States, where it was legally sold by the name of Quaalude, and luding out, was a popular college pastime.
Because of its alleged aphrodisiac and euphoric qualities it was known as the love drug at that time (the 70s). Guys would say to girls "Let's do some ludes and fuck". Some girls would say "Yes" and others would say "No".
It has been used as a hypnotic in the short term management of insomnia and as a sedative but has been withdrawn from the market due to problems with abuse.
Dose: THERAPEUTIC RANGE: 150mg - 300mg at night OR 75mg four times a day.
In the United States, the marketing of methaqualone pharmaceutical products stopped in 1984 and methaqualone was transferred to Schedule I of the CSA making it an illegal substance in USA as well as a number of other countries.
In general, Qualudes are very similar to alcohol and other depressants. Methaqualone combines both sedative and hypnotic properties. The drug produces depression of the central nervous system (a reduction in the heart and breathing rate and blood pressure) and the onset of its effects usually occurs within 10 to 20 minutes of ingestion and may last 6 to 10 hours when taken orally.
Small doses create a feeling of euphoria, relaxation, hornyness, and/or sleepiness. Larger doses can bring about depression, irrational behavior, poor reflexes and slurred speech.
Negative effects can include a high level of tolerance (you need more to produce the same feeling), reduced heart rate, reduced respiration, and reduced muscular coordination.
Some street names it has been sold as are Disco Biscuits, Down And Dirtys, Fuckers, Joe Fridays, Lemmon 714, Lemons, Lennons, Lovers, Ludes, Mandies, Mandrake, Q, qua, quaa, quack, Quad, Qualudes, Soaper, Supper, Vitamin Q, The Love Drug, Wallbangers, Whore Pills, and on and on and on...
Overdose by methaqualone is more difficult to treat than barbiturate overdose, and deaths have occurred.
Overdose Symptoms: Delirium, coma, restlessness, hyperreflexia, hypertonia, myoclonus, convulsions, tachycardia. Cardiac and respiratory depression occurs less frequently than with barbiturate poisoning. Cardiac and hepatic damage, bleeding, vomiting, renal insufficiency.
Management of overdose: Get the person to a hospital right away. Overdose death is usually due to lung, liver, kidney, or heart failure.
Unfortunately, much of what is being passed on the streets today isn't all pure, so it's best to stay away from unless you are sure of what you are getting. A lot of what gets sold as ludes, is really valium. This is because valium produces a feeling that is somewhat similar to ludes.

One Pill makes Shatner and One Pill makes you Spock!

Friday, November 2, 2007

My Stable of Fine Animals

These are the men in my stable.

These are the men I find irresistibly attractive. Once I assembled them, I realized that I seem to prefer a “type” of man. Really not quite sure what it is. Perhaps you as the reader can key in on what makes a man.. A MAN in my eyes.

First on the list:
Sir Christopher Meloni:

I have been an admirer of his for about ten years now. When he shucked it off for HBOs “OZ” I about fell over dead. It only enforced my feelings for him and my respect. I am at your bidding my Lord.

Mr. Michael Rowe:

Mike has Rowed me to shore on more than “a few times.” Mr. Rowe of Discovery Channel’s “Dirty Jobs” is another fine example of BEEF on the foot. There isn’t a job I would find too dirty working for Mr. Rowe.

Mr. Colin Ferguson:

Leading man in Sci-Fi’s “Eureka.”Colin brings out my softer, more intellectual side. God knows why. There is something disarming about him that makes me want to be an Angel in action and a Demon in motion. What shall you have me do Colin?

Mr Ben Browder:

Here we have the leading man from Sci-Fi’s “Farscape.” I do miss that show. They turned up on the last season of “Stargate.” Oh well What’s a paycheck? Ben is the kind of man whom I suspect is a complete contradiction in the bedroom. Something about his Carolinian charm makes this Georgia Boy go crazy.

Mr. Daniel Craig

Here we have a British Gentleman who knows how to be many things to many people. I often fantasize about hiking the Scottish Highlands with him. Perhaps for two or three weeks-However long it takes.

So here they are. Men whom I would happily do for… (in any capacity)

Da doo Ron, Bill.... Dick.. Whatever your name is.

Da doo ron-ron

I saw him on a corner and my car stopped still
Da doo ron-ron-ron,
Da doo ron-ron
Some money told me that his name was Bill
Da doo ron-ron-ron,
Da doo ron-ron
Yeah, my car stopped still!
Yes, I paid him bills!
And when I drove him home
Da doo ron-ron-ron,
Da doo ron-ron

I knew what he was doing when he dropped his fly
Da doo ron-ron-ron,
Da doo ron-ron
He hooked so quiet but my oh my!
Da doo ron-ron-ron,
Da doo ron-ron
Yeah, he dropped his fly!
Yes, oh my, oh my!
And when he drilled it home
Da doo ron-ron-ron,
Da doo ron-ron

[Sax solo or shaft solo]

He came around seven and he banged me blind
Da doo ron-ron-ron,
Da doo ron-ron
Someday soon I'm gonna buy more time
Da doo ron-ron-ron,
Da doo ron-ron
Yeah, he banged me blind!
Yes, I'll buy more time!
And when he drove it home
Da doo ron-ron-ron,
Da doo ron-ron
Yeah, yeah, yeah
da doo ron ron ron,
da doo ron ron ron
(repeat & fade)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Indian videos that hurt

HUH? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA1NoOOoaNw

Literacy is understanding what you read, NOT what you wish it to say.


In the Dictionary
Somewhere after
Just before


Time to: send out a fax, Drop a friend off at the pool, Pinch a hot loaf, Edit old news, Take a retrospective, and otherwise be indispose.
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn't belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others,
Then you're absolutely...right!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Do you wanna know where you are? DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW!

The north galactic pole at 12h 51 m 26.282s +27°07′42.01″ (J2000), the zero of longitude at the position angle of 122.932°. The point in the sky at which the galactic latitude and longitude are both zero is 17h 45m 37.224s −28°56′10.23″ (J2000). This is offset slightly from the radio source Sagittarius A*, which is the best physical marker of the true galactic center. Sagittarius A* is located at 17h 45m 40.04s −29°00′28.1″ (J2000), or galactic longitude 359°56′39.4″, galactic latitude −0°2′46.2″. The Sun (and therefore the Earth and Solar System) may be found close to the inner rim of the Galaxy at a hypothesized distance of 7.62±0.32 kpc from the Galactic Center. The distance between the local arm and the next arm out, the Perseus Arm, is about 6,500 light-years. The Sun, and thus the Solar System, is found in what scientists call the galactic habitable zone. at an angle of roughly 60 sky degrees to the direction of the Galactic Center. The Sun's orbit around the Galaxy is expected to be roughly elliptical with the addition of perturbations due to the galactic spiral arms and non-uniform mass distributions. In addition the Sun oscillates up and down relative to the galactic plane approximately 2.7 times per orbit.